We are pleased to announce our merger with Niagara Top Team!
There is a lot to be said about a place and even more to be said about the people. We our excited to be working with a professional MMA team and provide classes for recreational or competitive members. Change is hard for a lot of us, but we assure you this is about growth. The new unified team will offer classes for men, women, and children from ages 5+. Coaches Chris and Matt have been added to the instructors roster. We will offer a Little Ninjas Program and more ability to train on the new schedule. We will offer every level from beginner average JOE to advanced level athlete or specialists.
We plan to hit the floor running on Jan 31st upon re-opening. Our members have all been emailed the new schedule. We will post it to our social channels and website very soon.
Thank you for all the love and we hope you will continue to support us. We know you may have some questions or concerns. Please reach out, and we will answer all of them.
We about to blow the doors off this place and couldn’t be more pleased with the announcement. Our goal will be to bring unparalleled world class instruction in a unique one-of-a-kind facility and create an environment for everyone to improve their life or health through Martial Arts.  We thank everyone that helped with the move and the community we serve.  Come see for yourself when we open the doors on Jan 31st!
The energy and experience can not be matched! We hope you get inspired and become motivated to work with us! The future is very bright.
@niagaratopteam @prickett73 @dimarcsmma @saaammmmo @daryl_evolvemma #ourhomestc #martialarts #mma